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Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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Regular price 4.000
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"Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time."

Born Brooklyn NY, 1933

Laywer, second female justice in the supreme court.

Personality traits: Intelligent, analytical, strategic, charismatic, thorough, humorous, cultured, persistent.

Fame: U.S. Supreme Court Justice

Why Ruth?

Ruth Bader Ginsberg has dedicated her whole life to change, with the goal of making the world more just. Her life’s work has focused on women's rights and gender equality. Through hard work, strong intellect, and rethorical presicion, she reached the top of the legal profession, against enormous odds.

The concept of change is one of the greatest challenges we human beings struggle with, carrying with it both huge expectations and endless threats. Changing existing structures in society is a complicated task, but through a lifetime of planting seeds, RBG has managed to change the very law itself. Her strategic insight is executed in a soft-spoken, almost subversive manner, and this is key to understanding why “the Notorious RBG” has become a cultural icon of our time. Her selfless willingness to use her skills and her life in such an elegant and effective way is extraordinary, and makes Ruth Bader Ginsberg a pioneer we can place all of our trust in.

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